Security Updates in Drupal 8.5.1 & 7.58 and Joomla! 3.8.6

If you are using Drupal CMS in your site, we inform you that a highly critical security update was released yesterday (28/3/2018). Please note that outdated systems may be victims of attacks that could result in the site being completely compromised. Thus, immediate upgrade is necessary in order to remain safe. You can find more information in Drupal site (CVE-2018-7600).

Also, Joomla CMS recently had the following security issue:

  • Core - SQLi vulnerability (Εκδόσεις CVE-2018-8045

Latest releases in CMSs:

  • Drupal 8.5.1 & 7.58
  • Joomla! 3.8.6