F.A.Q. for parental control
What is Parental Control;
Filtering systems and parental control tools are programs that regulate access to information or services on the Internet according to specified criteria.
They can be installed on the user's computer to a server that belongs to an entity (eg proxy server in a school) or computers one ISP and can react in various ways: it can warn about problematic websites, record detail the movements of a user on the Internet to block suspicious websites, allowing access limited hours and days and even shut the computer completely.
What filters are available?
The types of filters available are:
- Fenced sites: The so-called "walled gardens" or "white lists» are lists of sites that are suitable for minors and allow the user to have access only to them.
- "No" Lists: Drawn up a list of "No" from sites that should be avoided (eg offensive, violent or racist content) and if your child tries to get into some of them, then access is blocked. Some programs run on lists of banned words. Just found some of these words in a web address or to the site itself, then access is blocked. The problem with lists like "No" is that it must be upgraded continuously.
- Block websites with prohibited words: The most simple filters market block content on the Internet using a list of banned words. These words - keys are created and can be updated easily and quickly.
- Filter by automatic classification of content: The automatic classification assess the entire text on a website. Use this known statistical methods like those used by the spam filters.
- Self Assessment website: Providers of online information in the same place voluntarily website a label which indicates whether and to what extent this website contains material harmful to minors (eg, violence, nudity, sex, gambling, alcohol, vulgar language, k . etc..). Labels and categories created by the Association of Internet Content Rating ICRA (Internet Content Rating Association). The filter reads these tags and decide whether to allow access in accordance with what the parents have chosen to allow their children to see.
The problem with this system is that it depends on whether the owners of websites will voluntarily evaluate their sites, and so far, there are many who do.
Can I combine filtering methods?
The main approaches to filtering combined today in many ways to increase the efficiency, but also to vary the accessibility according to the age.
What to advise on the selection and use of filters;
First of all, talk to your children about how to use the Internet safely and explain the basics for safe surfing.
We suggest you visit http://www.yprt.eu/sip and visit the websites of the filters evaluated by the European program SIP-BENCH. Here you based on specific criteria to choose a filter that matches your needs. "Download" from the Internet to their free trial versions to decide on the most appropriate filter / tool for your family.
Before purchasing or "download" a filtering program, decide why you want it. You need to seriously consider exactly what features you want the filter. For example, you want to prevent or restrict access to rooms open communication? Want to control the sending and receiving e-mails from a limited list of people you require to check the time used the computer or how many times a day or week do you use? Want to prevent the sending of information, eg credit card details, address?
For children younger than 10 years, choose a strict filter, and the preference is blocked by content filters more than you should, if it ensures that almost all the malicious content is blocked (even if this means that there might be interesting material is blocked) .
For older children select filters that can assess the content of a website. Such a filter will be able to control access to websites according to the information given to it, and not according to whether the website address is prohibited list. As a charaktiristko example: if your child seeks information about the University of Essex regarding a job, a filter that prohibits websites that mention the word "sex" would prevent access to the website of the University (Essex). In contrast, an evaluation of the content filter to allow it.
Many of these filtering products are of U.S. origin. This means that the filtering criteria can be strongly influenced by American values, for example great rigor in the nude, but not so strict about the use of weapons and violence. Many of these filtering products operate using the English language.
Finally, remember that the most expensive does not always mean the most good. Can a cheaper filter to better meet your criteria of a more expensive.
Does filtering suffice?
Filters can be valuable tools in protecting minors from harmful content. But we must understand that they can act only as an additional and probably only at younger ages.
The educational supervision at home, in correspondence that goes on in schools, along with communication within the family and the knowledge of the risks, it is preferable to blocking technology, and contributes to the proper education of children, understanding problems and developing critical thinking to address them.